UnoX1 - A Citizenship Resources Management for Public Administrations

The UnoX1 project is a Citizenship Relationship Management. The project aims to provide a flexible web-based platform for Public Administrations to provide information to its citizens. By using Unox1, an organisation will be able to setup an information and communication System addressed to all users of a community (e.g. Civic Network users) which allows to: The project uses different Open Source softwares as PERL, Apache, PHP, Sympa and Postgresql. You can find our sourceforge pages here.

What is UnoX1

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All platforms sources (.tar.gz)
To provide specific and effective information, organised considering real personal needs: the service is based on the identification of the users with precise needs and interests. To stimulate and give value to the users’ point of view. To implement a reliable panel of users who wish to express their interest for the themes, in exchange for the use of better services, and therefore to introduce a valorised source for the change ad improvement of the local Administration. To have a precise feedback, related to specific issues and users, able to complete and qualify the collected data, through different channels, and positively operate on modalities, on communication channels used every time, as well as on supplied services quality. To involve the whole Administration in a mutual relation with the user, based on concrete and continuous data exchange, to start surveys on services appreciation and satisfaction, to identify reliable quality and performance indicators. Unox1 allows to use ITC to implement a virtual place for an effective dialogue with citizens.

UnoX1 News

5 Jul 2005 New consultancy module unoX1-phpConsul added to UnoX1.
10 Dec 2004 New plugin for phpESP integration into UnoX1 has been released. The package is available separately from our website on sourceforge. Download links will be available also here.
21 Nov 2004 All release files are moved to New project's pages available as well as direct links to downloading sections.
26 Nov 2003 UnoX1 moves from Johanna to its own database support.
15 Oct 2003 First version of the new distribuition is made available.


30 May 2006 UnoX1 0.8.0 Rel
23 Sep 2005 UnoX1 0.6.1 Rel
07 Jul 2005 UnoX1 0.4.9 Rel
02 Jan 2005 UnoX1 0.4.5 Rel
19 Nov 2004 UnoX1 0.4.4 Rel
29 Oct 2004 UnoX1 0.4.2 Rel
22 Oct 2004 Patch 0.4.1-2 Rel
20 Oct 2004 UnoX1 0.4.1 Rel
12 Aug 2003 UnoX1 0.1.3 Rel

unoX1-phpConsul extension

23 Sep 2005 unoX1-phpConsul 0.1.3 Rel
05 Jul 2005 unoX1-phpConsul 0.1.0 Rel

phpESP plugin

30 May 2006 phpESP plugin 0.5.6 Rel
23 Sep 2005 phpESP plugin 0.3.7 Rel
02 Jan 2005 phpESP plugin 0.2.0 Rel Logo